Hi guys!
As you all know I'm off to London for a few days so no posts from me for a bit. If I was organised I'd have set some scheduled posts but I'm not nearly that organised!
Hopefully I will come back with some goodies to show you!
In the meantime, a couple more pictures of Barnaby -
Wednesday, 29 July 2009
See you in a few days!
Posted by Glittermillie at 01:05 12 comments
Tuesday, 28 July 2009
Wearable Nail Soakers
Hi guys!
This is just a quick post to show you what I got in the post today.
A while a go I was looking on ebay and saw these nail soakers. Now I realise they're meant to be for removing artificial nails but I thought they may be worth a try for sorting the issue of how long glitter polish takes to remove!
Posted by Glittermillie at 01:26 11 comments
Sunday, 26 July 2009
A franken using BarryM Dazzledust
Hello again!
So yesterday when I began to feel a better from being ill I decided to try another franken.
This time I tried using a BarryM Dazzle Dust. I think it's called silver green although I can't be certain as it's quite old and no longer has it's label on.
I mixed it with some Sally Hansen Platinum Frost. I really LOVE how this turned out! It's such a good colour for me as I wear quite a lot of clothes this colour.
I then decided to see what it'd look like with a glitter top coat.
Posted by Glittermillie at 01:15 9 comments
Labels: barry m, barrym, dazzle dust, franken, nail polish, varnish
BarryM Racing Green
I have been slacking at posting again :(
I haven't really done much with my nails this week. I've been a bit of a stress head and also have been a bit ill the past couple of days..probably due to the stress!!
Anyway I'm feeling loads better now so I thought I'd do a couple of post with the 2 colours I've worn this week.
For anyone wondering, Bobo is much better but still not fully recovered. She only had to spend 1 night at the vets but has been on painkillers and antibiotics ever since which means a daily trip to the vets! She is not amused.
So the colour I had on earlier in the week was BarryM Racing Green. I wasn't sure about it at first but then I saw it in the light and really loved it. Iwas going to konad it but just didn't get round to it in the end.
Posted by Glittermillie at 01:00 6 comments
Labels: barrym, manicure, nail polish, paint, racing green, varnish
Tuesday, 21 July 2009
A quick hello and a dodgy franken!
Hello everyone!
Sorry it's been a few days since my last post. I've had a few dramas and just haven't had a chance to do a decent nail job!
I tend to be away from the computer at weekends anyway as my boyfriend and I have a no internet rule for the evenings and weekends. I usually end up going on when he goes to sleep as my sleeping pattern is quite different to his!
My biggest drama has been my cat being poorly :( Not the kitten Barnaby but our cat Bobo. She was ill at the weekend and then I took her to the vets first thing this morning and they've kept her over night. I cried my eyes out. She should be coming home tomorrow. I really hope so, I HATE being without her.
So I didn't do much with my nails over the weekend but I did attempt a franken yesterday which didn't really go to plan.... I wasn't even going to bother showing you guys but it's all I have to show you at the moment! So I will share my fail with you all :) This is BarryM silver and a bourjois pale blue pigment. I really like the colour and it was exactly what I wanted but it's so lumpy!! Even from a distance you can see it! I think it's the bourjois pigment that's the problem, the chunks were too big....
I put a top coat on and then a glitter top coat as well. It improved it but still not great.
So that was my franken fail. I will use a better pigment next time and see if I have more success!
Here are a couple more Barnaby pics for those kitten lovers out there :) I just can't help myself!
Posted by Glittermillie at 00:57 7 comments
Labels: barrym, franken, kitten, konad, m56, nail polish, varnish
Thursday, 16 July 2009
Look how short they are!! Plus konad of the day :)
I cut my nails. I had to do it. I was spending far too much time obsessing over whether to do it or not!! Then yesterday the nail on my right hand ring finger split so I took that as a sign and just chopped them all off! I know some of you will think I'm mad but the reason my nails are so strong and I can grow them so long is partly due to me doing this occasionally. It gives them a fresh start :)
They are so short though... I already miss my long ones! Never mind, it won't take them long to grow back.
Today I thought I'd try out another Nails Inc colour - Chesham Street. It is a beautiful colour and definitely added to my favourites list. My only complaint about it is that the brush was a bit rubbish! It's described as a blue and admittedly looks blue in the pictures but in real life it looks more purple to me!
Posted by Glittermillie at 15:28 14 comments
Labels: chesham street, konad, m3, nail polish, nails inc, stars, varnish
Wednesday, 15 July 2009
Simple Konad and some kitten pics!
I've just finished my 2nd konad attempt :) I think it's alot better this time. Only a couple of mistakes!
I wanted a simple look that could be worn to meetings and things like that. This is just 2 coats of Nails Inc South Molten Street with the the konad french tip from plate m56. As you can see it's a VERY pale pink but it does the job of covering up the yellow staining :)
With Bobo our other cat. She's 2 and a half and likes to play even more than Barnaby does!
Posted by Glittermillie at 15:29 12 comments
Labels: kitten, konad, m56, nail polish, nails inc, south molten street, varnish
Adorable Blog Award!
This post is a bit overdue but better late than never!
I was really happy and surprised last week when I got an Adorable Blog Award from Helen and Sheenie at Helen and Sheenie's Nice Things. Thank you! It made my day :)
The Adorable Blog Award rules are as follows:
–Include the logo in your blog or post
–Nominate as many blogs which you like
–Be sure to link your nominees within your post
–Let them know that they have received this award by commenting on their blog
–Share the love and link to this post and to the person from whom you received this award.
I would love to nominate every blog I read but I read ALOT! So I'm going to try and choose just 5...or 6...
My nominees are -
Marble Nails (I think I saw someone else has nominated you already but I couldn't not include you!)
Look at this polish!
The Hungry Asian
Nikki's Nails
Livy Lu Lu
Posted by Glittermillie at 03:06 2 comments
Monday, 13 July 2009
Konad - The First Attempt...
Hello again!
So, as I said after my last post I attempted my first konadicure. I'd had a practise on things other than my nails and had mixed results so I was excited to see what it'd look like!
I have to say that the whole process of konading is very satisfying. I can completely see why it's addictive.
For my first attempt I don't think I did too badly.... but I didn't do too great either :)
Some are wonky and the print didn't come out properly on others.
Posted by Glittermillie at 13:54 14 comments
Labels: barrym, konad, m3, m56, nail polish, turquoise, varnish
BarryM Turquoise
I hope everyone's had a nice weekend! Mine was lots of spring cleaning. It's sad but I like to clean :)
As well as spring cleaning I went shopping on Saturday morning and got a few new polishes. The 2 Sally Hansen ones were 2 for a £1 from the pound shop and I got them to make frankens with!
I also got BarryM Turquoise (I really wish they'd be more original with their names!). It's very similar to Mint Green but that's exactly why I got it!
Posted by Glittermillie at 00:05 9 comments
Labels: 2true, barry m, barrym, nail polish, sally hansen, turquoise, varnish
Saturday, 11 July 2009
Some Purple and some Sparkle!
Hello Everyone!
I have been slacking this week on doing blog posts... I just haven't had a chance until now! I took photos of any polish changes though so I have a couple in reserve :)
I've had such a busy week and I can't believe it's the weekend already...where did the week go??
I was very excited earlier in the week to get my first blog award from Helen and Sheenie's Nice Things. Made my day :) It was an Adorable Blog Award and I will be posting my nominees very soon, I just haven't had time to think about it yet!
Anyway there are lots of pictures in this post so I shall get started :)
Earlier this week I finally got the opportunity to try out the 2nd polish that MagicXMaid sent me - Sinful Colors - Daddy's Girl.
This is 3 coats. It's a really, really lovely purple and I love it! My only minus about it would be that it takes forever to dry! Well worth the wait though. Just got to remember not to rely on this one when I'm in a rush...
Also this week my first Konad stuff arrived! I was so excited! I have been playing around with it a bit but not on my nails yet. I didn't get loads in my first order as I wanted to make sure I could get the hang of it first. I will post my first attempt very soon :)
Posted by Glittermillie at 00:58 11 comments
Labels: daddys girl, glitter, kitten, konad, nail polish, nyx, silver, sinful colors, sparkle, varnish