I was tagged by the wonderful Niki, aka Magic Maid, for this. I have a feeling though that it's going to be VERY similar to Niki's post. I'm not copying honest, the same things just happen to make me happy :)
1. Maz, my lovely, amazing boyfriend. Those of you who know me a bit better will know that he spoils me a lot and puts up with my...well lets say erratic behaviour :) He is my best friend and the person I tell absolutely everything too. I would be lost without him but he's going to get a big kick up the bum if he doesn't you know what soon ;)
2. My cats - Bobo and Barnaby. Maz will be surprised that they weren't first on the list! I adore my cats. I think everyone knows that already so enough said.
3. My family. I have a fantastic family that I appreciate more and more as I get older. I think it's easy to take family for granted when you're younger but the older I get the more thankful for them I am.
4. My friends. I'm someone who doesn't make friends easily so my close friend circle is pretty small. The close friends I have though are all fantastic and I wouldn't change them for the world!
5. Cooking and eating! I love to cook. I love to go out for meals. I love food. Bad for my waistline, great for my smile! Maz of course can eat as much as he likes whenever he likes without putting on any weight. Me jealous? Absolutely!!
6. Reading. I read A LOT. If I'm not putting on nail polish then I can probably be found with my nose in a book. I've had to stop buying books and going to the library instead as the cost was getting a bit much, let alone the space books take up! I will read pretty much anything but my favourites are thrillers. I love when I find a book that has me checking the cupboards before going to sleep!
7. Getting ready for a night out. I'm sure there must be people who know what I mean by this? I love the whole process of getting ready for a big night out. I love spending ages putting my makeup on and doing my hair etc. It's even better with some friends there and some wine! Sometimes I think I enjoy the getting ready bit more than the actual night out :) I suspect that if I went out more often though, the process would soon lose its shine.
8. Urban Decay. I love all makeup but I have been having a long affair with Urban Decay. I discovered it at the very beginning of my relationship with Maz when we went on about our 5th date shopping in London. I can still remember being in Selfridges and finding the Urban Decay stand...it was love at first sight. That day I bought 2 eyeshadows - Kiddie Pool and Midnight Cowboy. I haven't stopped buying since. I don't care that sometimes I'm paying for packaging, I love the packaging!
9. Nail Polish. Of course this had to be on here! A far cheaper obsession than my previous makeup one and once I discovered konad there was absolutely no going back. I would miss all the comments I get about my nails when I'm out and about and I'm sure Maz would miss the constant stink of it if I stopped painting my nails!
10. My followers. Last but absolutely not least - all you guys! Especially the people who take the extra time to comment even though I am absolutely shocking for replying. Reading everyone's comments always brings a smile to my face. I would usually have included my actual blog in this list somewhere but well...lets just say that if me and my blog were in a relationship we'd be 'on a break' right now ;)
That's it! Highly unoriginal stuff but can't change what makes me happy hey!
Hope everyone had a great weekend!
PS - I need to tag some people on this but I have to go out in literally 5mins and I'm sat here with wet hair so I am going to add the tags later!!
Zoya Emerson
2 hours ago